Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Aubrey Miles is not a First-time Mother, Yo!

Aubrey Miles appeared on SNN (Showbiz News Ngayon) to finally reveal that she has an eight year old son by ex-boyfriend, JP Obligacion, a grandson of veteran actor Oscar Obligacion. As you would expect in such disclosures, tears were aplenty as did words of remorse and guilt.

In Aubrey's Facebook account, she wrote that she will be dropping a bomb. As bombs went, it was just a rebentador for me. Duh! My favorite entertainment writer Cristy Fermin already showed proof of the child's existence, complete with a picture and reliable sources from the US hospital where Aubrey gave birth. Can you say, vindicated? I'm sure Cristy's level of self-righteousness and holier-than-thou attitude just went a notch higher with Aubrey's confessions.

Aubrey was forced to keep her son a secret because she was being build up as a sexy star and sexy stars are not supposed to be married or have a child. So, the viewing public is to be faulted for making her lie because we want our sexy actresses to project the illusion of being unattached, therefore, reachable.

Actually, I want to fault her for thinking that being an artista is the only way to make a decent living for her young son and family. Last time I looked, there are single parents who work in offices, hotels, government agencies, what have you. Ah, okay, these jobs are out of the question because they are not glamorous and low-paying. Hokay

I can forgive Aubrey for lying about having (gasp!) a child. What I can't forgive her for is her performance and shtick in the Amazing Race Asia 1. This twit and her partner, twat, forgot it was a damn RAAACE!!! and just mugged for the camera during the entire three minutes they were in it. They were clueless bordering on stupid. Way to reverse the dumb-model stereotypes, ladies.

As for Troy's reaction... does he even understand this? I mean, the interview was done mostly in Tagalog, and despite living in the Philippines for several years he still cannot speak Tagalog. Still wondering why he has no career to speak of, despite being pretty?

As for Boy Abunda who interviewed Aubrey, he asked "Anong pinagdadasal mo ngayon?" I'm sure he wanted Aubrey to utter more gut-wretching, heart-wretching confessions to milk that last drop of tears. I wanted Aubrey to say, "to resurrect my career after this confession because I now have two sons and Troy to take care of." I would have been a fan forever.

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