Thursday, May 12, 2011

Jackie Rice Accident On Location

Jackie Rice met an accident, just slight, on the set of her next teledrama, Sisid.

In an award-winning scene, possibly, in Sisid, Jackie Rice hurt her foot when she kicked a chair instead of her co-star.

The trooper that she is, according to her press release, she proceeded to finish the day's taping, hurt foot and all.

If you find that little accident a bit ho-hum, then you're not alone. I read a much more interesting story about Jackie Rice and her little vacation in Boracay during Holy Week.

So Jackie Rice and her boyfriend went for a little R&R in Boracay. But our Ms Jackie Rice refused to go out and enjoy the sun and beach because she was afraid of getting mobbed by overzealous fans.

Holy delusional, batman!

When Jackie Rice was finally persuaded to go out, no fans of hers, not even one, was there to ask our Ms Jackie Rice for an autograph or picture-taking.

Well, the people who saw Jackie Rice in Boracay were probably thinking, "Who is this lady, a lady who can benefit from a little tan, with the shifty eyes?"

Some of us have encountered those types of semi-famous celebrities who are all alert-like, waiting to be mobbed at any moment.

More times than not, no one approaches them because either the celebrity is famous only in their minds or PEOPLE simply DON'T CARE ABOUT THEM. Truth!

I have this sort of built-in radar for recognizing celebrities, stars and starlets alike. I could probably even spot extras in a crowd if I see them often enough on TV.

I'm thinking of approaching Marian Rivera for a picture if I ever see her on person. Either I get a picture or an evil eye from Marian Rivera. Either way, I have a juicy story to blog about. So win-win!


  1. hahaha i really love your articles.

  2. its because not all people grasp intelligent humor. you really sound like my favorite author jessica z. you sure thats not you? hahaha i love your articles. really hilarious and written with flair and wit!keep it up!

  3. im waiting for your new post! hehe
