Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Why Is Tito Sotto in the Senate?

There is only one reason why Tito Sotto is a senator of the Philippine Republic: to give hope to stupid people harboring ideas of running for an elective post and winning.

 In his latest contra en turno speech about his opposition to the RH Bill, Tito Sotto once again opened himself to cyber bashing by including in the last segment of his speech a tagalized version of Robert F Kennedy's Day of Affirmation speech. According to Tito Sotto that part of his speech came from a text from a friend. What a dumbass! First he forgets to make attributions to an article he copied from another writer. Now he forgets to do a little fact checking In this day of the Internet and Google, this type of carelessness shows you're either lazy or a moron.

 Like a true trapo, Tito is rallying the masses to support his cause by igniting a class war, which we don't need at this point. He claims that under the RH Bill the poor does not have the right to go forth and multiply, only the rich. But let's be honest. If you are living hand to mouth, do you really need to have many kids? In my opinion, it should be illegal for the so-called poor to breed. That's not me being anti-poor; that's me just being practical. They can't breed until they worked and worked to better their lives. That's for their own good and for any child/children they may have in the future.

 If these series of humiliation is a bunch of pies, Tito Sotto would be covered by pie all over his face by now. And if we are a people that embarrasses easily (especially politicians), Tito Sotto would have tendered his resignation pronto for showing the world that Filipinos elect stupid people to the senate.

Tito Sotto's daughter, Ciara Sotto, is on print and TV trying to clean up the pie on her father's face. Ciara Sotto is newly married and still doesn't have a kid. I'm curious to know what she and her husband are doing to remain childless. It would really be funny if Ciara's OB-GYNE info gets leaked and we find out she's into a method other than the natural ones. That's not another pie on Mr Sotto's face, that's a figurative giant boulder that would kill Mr Sotto's credibility once and for all.

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