Thursday, May 17, 2012

Manny Pacquiao Can't Show His Face at the Grove

There is a second place in the entire universe where Manny Pacquiao is not welcome. The Grove, a mall in LA, has banned the boxer from showing his face in the premises for opposing gay marriage.

Manny has already stated that the Leviticus quotation that appeared in the National Conservative Examiner did not come from him, though he stands by his belief that the Bible does not condone same-sex marriage. The author has also corroborated Manny's statement, so that's that. If you read the Leviticus passage in question, you'd know Manny could not have possibly uttered it verbatim. With Manny's head having been pummelled through the years, how could his brain have that power?

Manny's brain power aside, I didn't know that you now run the risk of becoming an outcast for having an opinion. It may not have been politically correct of Manny to run his mouth, but the Grove management can be accused of being narrow-minded. It's not like Manny said he is ready to throw the first gay person he sees to the fire.

So what's the morale in all this? Don't let Manny talk unless it is about boxing. And don't let any local reporter come near Mommy Dayonesha to ask for her two cents. It is PR disaster in the making. Unless of course I'm there to run interference for Mommy Dionesia. :P

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